Email marketing Services | New York

  • E-Mail campaigns with a staggering 99.98% accuracy
  • Get everything from creating campaign materials, scheduling, to tracking and analysis.
  • Experienced & certified campaign managers deliver cost-effective email campaigns

It’s easy to get started. And it’s free.

Why Your Business Need Email Marketing Services?

Customer Preference

Did you know that 72% of your customers prefer using email for business communication? It's their go-to channel!

High ROI

When you invest in Email Marketing, you're investing wisely. On average, $36 is earned for every $1 spent. That's an incredible return!

Content Distribution

Email Marketing is your secret weapon for getting your content out there. Share your message effectively.

Daily Engagement

Almost everyone checks their inbox daily. It's a direct line to your customers.

Promotional Love

61% of consumers enjoy receiving weekly promotional emails. Keep them engaged and happy.

Automation Trend

Email automation is a must! Over half of companies are already using it to make their marketing more efficient.

Benefits of Email Marketing Services for Your Business

Email marketing is a crucial pillar of successful digital marketing. It’s a fast and effective way to connect with a vast audience of potential customers.

Whether your business goals are:

Email marketing is the key to reaching them.

Why Choose US?

Email Marketing Services that Drive Results

Unlock the power of email marketing with our comprehensive services


Strategy Planning

We will craft a winning email strategy tailored to your goals for maximum impact.


Custom Email Design

Engage your audience with visually striking emails featuring your branding and product images.


Landing Page Creation

Drive conversions by letting us craft compelling landing pages linked to your emails.


Copywriting Excellence

Trust our experts to refine your copy or create compelling content from scratch.



Effortless Email Sending

We can handle email scheduling, whether you provide the content or rely on our skilled copywriters.


Database Management

We’ll seamlessly integrate and segment your email database for precision targeting.


A/B Testing

Optimize email effectiveness through subject, headline, and offer testing.


Proven Strategies

Receive expert guidance on email design, subject lines, and avoiding spam filters.


Dedicated Support

Our team will review your results and provide ongoing support and advice to maximize your success.


Comprehensive Reports

After each email, receive detailed reports on open rates, click-through rates, open times, and device statistics.

We can also help you with ….

Email Template Mastery

Elevate your emails with visually captivating, conversion-focused templates.

Dedicated Email Dream Team

Skip the hiring hassle and entrust your email campaigns to our seasoned experts.

Digital Assets that Deliver

Boost your paid marketing endeavors with results-driven landing pages and banners.

Elevate your email marketing game with our expert services

Why Your Business need Facebook Ad services?

Let us make it crystal clear for you.

Collaborating with a Facebook advertising agency is a smart choice if you want to:

Who Is This Service For?

Our expert Facebook and Instagram advertising solutions are ideal for businesses with a monthly budget of at least $……. 

There is no upper budget limit – we work with clients of all budget sizes, from modest to substantial.

For the best outcomes, it’s advantageous to have a proven conversion and sales process in place. However, if you’re just starting out, worry not. We’ve helped numerous companies build highly effective sales funnels from scratch.

Our impressive track record in Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns speaks for itself. We’re here to support your journey and elevate your business to new heights.

Ready to learn more? Click the button below to schedule a free 30-minute call with us.

Our Approach: How we Execute Effective Email Campaigns?

Step 1: Audience Insights

Before diving into an email campaign, we prioritize understanding your audience. We help you identify your ideal customers by collecting key demographic data:

  • Location
  • Age group
  • Occupation
  • Income range
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Hobbies
  • Interests

These insights shape your email strategy, from content to design.

Once we have a clear picture of your audience, we move on to the next crucial step: defining your campaign’s purpose, targeting approach, and future interactions. 

Our method empowers you to make informed decisions and reduces your campaign costs.

Step 2: Email List Building

The foundation of successful email marketing starts with a clean, high-quality email list. To achieve this, we employ five effective tactics:

  • Offer Valuable Content: Provide gated content such as research reports, guides, and ebooks for free in exchange for visitor email addresses.
  • Publish Great Blog Content: Engage your audience by maintaining an informative blog, encouraging visitors to subscribe and receive updates.
  • Exit-Intent Signup Forms: Capture the attention of departing visitors with exit-intent popups, prompting them to share their email before leaving your site.
  • First Purchase Discounts: Encourage visitors to return and make their first purchase by offering exclusive discounts in exchange for their email addresses.
  • Freebies and Upgrades: Incentivize email submissions by promising not to spam, and offering freebies like upgraded shipping options.

Our strategy is simple: offer real value and ensure your audience knows they’ll receive meaningful emails. This builds a high-quality email list that yields results.

We recommend using double opt-in forms for even better email list quality.

Step 3: List Segmentation

We carefully categorize your email list based on customer preferences, demographics, and website activity. This ensures that your messages reach the right people at the right time, improving 

  • Open Rates by 39%, 
  • Transactions by 18%, 
  • Deliverability, Revenue, and Sales Leads by 24%.

Step 4: Email Copy

Crafting engaging email content is essential. We tailor email copy to your subscribers’ position in the sales funnel, including welcome emails, reactivation, transactional emails, retargeting, win back, upselling emails, retention, newsletters, and promotional messages. We prioritize compelling content without ever misleading your subscribers.

Step 5: Email Template Design

We craft eye-catching email templates that grab attention. We gather all the essential elements – images, copy, CTA layout, and branding details. Fonts and typefaces are carefully selected. Our designers then work their magic to create the first draft, using a visual hierarchy and content block combinations. Plus, we make use of drag-and-drop email builders available in most ESPs.

Step 6: Coding Your Email

Here’s where things get technical. Our email developers work closely with copywriters and designers, ensuring your email’s coding is in sync with your campaign strategy. We take care of legal compliance, so you don’t run afoul of regulations like CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR. Whether you prefer ESP email builders or customized templates, we’ve got you covered.

Step 7: Quality Assurance

We meticulously test your email templates to ensure everything from copy and CTA buttons to email responsiveness, renderability, deliverability, and compliance is top-notch. We rely on Litmus for email quality assurance. Our experts optimize images, avoid spam-triggering words, and confirm alt texts are in place.

Step 8: A/B Split Testing

We leave no detail unchecked in your email campaigns. Subject lines, content layout, and call-to-action buttons all go through rigorous split testing. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference in click-through rates and open rates. We send different versions of messages to your most engaged subscribers and choose the best-performing one for mass distribution.

Step 9: Execution, Analysis, & Optimization

After analyzing split testing results, we proceed with message deployment. We use automation workflows to tailor messages to your subscribers’ preferences, lead maturity, past transactions, and website activity. This phase is followed by in-depth analysis, where we scrutinize email metrics to uncover any strategy flaws. We assess deliverability, CTR, open rates, social sharing, engagement rate, spam rate, and unsubscribe rate, along with the overall campaign performance.


We deploy your email campaigns flawlessly, on time, and within your budget.

Tier 1: Starter Package



Additional Benefits

Best For: Small businesses new to email marketing.

Duration: 1 Month

Terms: No long-term commitment required. Payment due upfront.

Tier 2: Growth Package



Additional Benefits

Best For: Medium-sized businesses looking to scale their email marketing efforts.

Duration: 3 Months Minimum

Terms: 10% discount for a 6-month commitment. Payment is due at the beginning of each month.

Tier 3: Enterprise Package

Custom Pricing (Starting at $6,000/month)


Additional Benefits

Best For: Large enterprises with complex email marketing needs.

Duration: 6 Months Minimum

Terms: Custom contract based on needs. Payment terms negotiable.

Limited Time Offer:

Sign up before [Date………] and receive a free initial consultation worth $300!

Get in Touch

Drive Leads, Sales & Engagement With Professional Email Marketing - Done For You

Common E-mail Marketing FAQs

Email campaign management services handle all aspects of your email marketing, from building lists and designing emails to setting up campaigns, analyzing results, and optimization. Our expert email campaign managers ensure every step follows best practices for flawless execution.

A successful email campaign has a clear goal and a defined target audience. It includes captivating content, visually appealing design, and smooth rendering. It should inspire action, boost brand awareness, and drive revenue while delivering value and maintaining high email deliverability.

The success of your email campaign depends on its specific goal. If your goal is to increase webinar registrations, success means reaching your desired number of registrations. We tailor success metrics to your campaign objectives.

Yes, we offer email campaign automation. Share your triggers, and our email automation experts will set it up for you. Explore our email automation service for more details.

Finding the ideal send time varies based on your business, industry, and subscriber preferences. Experiment with different timings and analyze performance to discover the best email send times. It's not one-size-fits-all; it's about what works for you.

Our Approach: How we Execute Effective Email Campaigns?


Audience Insights

Before diving into an email campaign, we prioritize understanding your audience. We help you identify your ideal customers by collecting key demographic data:

  • Location
  • Age group
  • Occupation
  • Income range
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Hobbies
  • Interests


These insights shape your email strategy, from content to design. 

Once we have a clear picture of your audience, we move on to the next crucial step: defining your campaign’s purpose, targeting approach, and future interactions. 

Our method empowers you to make informed decisions and reduces your campaign costs.


Email List Building

The foundation of successful email marketing starts with a clean, high-quality email list. To achieve this, we employ five effective tactics:

  • Offer Valuable Content: Provide gated content such as research reports, guides, and ebooks for free in exchange for visitor email addresses.
  • Publish Great Blog Content: Engage your audience by maintaining an informative blog, encouraging visitors to subscribe and receive updates.
  • Exit-Intent Signup Forms: Capture the attention of departing visitors with exit-intent popups, prompting them to share their email before leaving your site.
  • First Purchase Discounts: Encourage visitors to return and make their first purchase by offering exclusive discounts in exchange for their email addresses.
  • Freebies and Upgrades: Incentivize email submissions by promising not to spam, and offering freebies like upgraded shipping options.


Our strategy is simple: offer real value and ensure your audience knows they’ll receive meaningful emails. This builds a high-quality email list that yields results. 

We recommend using double opt-in forms for even better email list quality.


List Segmentation

We carefully categorize your email list based on customer preferences, demographics, and website activity. This ensures that your messages reach the right people at the right time, improving 

  • Open Rates by 39%, 
  • Transactions by 18%, 
  • Deliverability, Revenue, and Sales Leads by 24%.


Email Copy

Crafting engaging email content is essential. We tailor email copy to your subscribers’ position in the sales funnel, including welcome emails, reactivation, transactional emails, retargeting, win back, upselling emails, retention, newsletters, and promotional messages. We prioritize compelling content without ever misleading your subscribers.


Email Template Design

We craft eye-catching email templates that grab attention. We gather all the essential elements – images, copy, CTA layout, and branding details. Fonts and typefaces are carefully selected. Our designers then work their magic to create the first draft, using a visual hierarchy and content block combinations. Plus, we make use of drag-and-drop email builders available in most ESPs.


Coding Your Email

Here’s where things get technical. Our email developers work closely with copywriters and designers, ensuring your email’s coding is in sync with your campaign strategy. We take care of legal compliance, so you don’t run afoul of regulations like CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR. Whether you prefer ESP email builders or customized templates, we’ve got you covered.


Quality Assurance

We meticulously test your email templates to ensure everything from copy and CTA buttons to email responsiveness, renderability, deliverability, and compliance is top-notch. We rely on Litmus for email quality assurance. Our experts optimize images, avoid spam-triggering words, and confirm alt texts are in place.


A/B Split Testing

We leave no detail unchecked in your email campaigns. Subject lines, content layout, and call-to-action buttons all go through rigorous split testing. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference in click-through rates and open rates. We send different versions of messages to your most engaged subscribers and choose the best-performing one for mass distribution.


Execution, Analysis, & Optimization

After analyzing split testing results, we proceed with message deployment. We use automation workflows to tailor messages to your subscribers’ preferences, lead maturity, past transactions, and website activity. This phase is followed by in-depth analysis, where we scrutinize email metrics to uncover any strategy flaws. We assess deliverability, CTR, open rates, social sharing, engagement rate, spam rate, and unsubscribe rate, along with the overall campaign performance.

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