Identify your website’s health and give your visitors an amazing web experience

Book Your Free Website Analysis Consultation Request Now!

Is Your Website Driving The Sales and Conversions You Want?

A free website audit can act as a roadmap to improve your website’s performance and effectiveness in generating sales and conversions.

Let’s explore how a free website analysis can benefit your business:

01 - Improved Website Speed

  • A website audit can pinpoint areas that slow down your website, such as large files or inefficient code.
  • By addressing these issues, you can optimize your website’s elements for faster loading times.
  • Faster loading times lead to a better user experience and can also improve your search engine ranking.

02 - Enhanced Search Engine Visibility

  • A website audit can identify factors that search engines consider important for ranking websites, such as mobile-friendliness, page speed, and broken links.
  • By optimizing your website based on the audit’s findings, you can improve its overall quality and user experience, which can lead to higher search engine rankings.
  • Additionally, the audit can ensure you’re implementing best practices for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), including proper keyword usage, meta tags, and sitemap structures, all contributing to better search engine visibility.

03 - Increased Website Traffic and Conversions

  • A well-performing website with a positive user experience encourages visitors to stay longer and explore more.
  • A website audit can uncover issues that might be hindering user experience.
  • By addressing these issues, you can create a more user-friendly environment, leading to increased visitor engagement.
  • The audit can also help identify and optimize conversion elements like call-to-action buttons and forms, ultimately resulting in a smoother user journey and higher conversion rates.

These improvements can lead to a significant increase in website traffic and conversions. Click the link below to get started now

What to Expect from Our Free Website Audit?

Every website is unique, so we take a comprehensive approach to examining your site's health and functionality.

Here's a breakdown of what we'll review:

Technical Health

Does your website load quickly and function correctly? Are there any errors or layout issues visitors might encounter?

Site Structure

Is your website well-organized and easy for visitors to navigate? We'll examine your sitemap and overall navigation structure.

Goals and Conversions

Are you tracking the right goals and events on your website? Do you have clear calls to action that encourage visitors to take the desired actions? We'll make sure your website is optimized to achieve your goals.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)

We'll assess how well your website balances design and functionality, including the content, layout, and visual cues that shape the user experience.

Webmaster Tools

We'll review your webmaster accounts (like Google Search Console) to identify any errors or issues that need to be addressed, such as broken links (404 errors) and page speed.

Website Analytics

We'll use analytics tools like Google Analytics to understand how visitors interact with your website and identify areas for improvement.

This is just a starting point, and our free website audit goes much deeper to provide a valuable assessment of your website’s overall health and performance.

Get a Free Website Analysis Report from Humans, not Robots.

Our Website Auditing Process

Our four-step process is designed to give you a clear picture of your website’s performance and empower you to achieve your digital goals.

So, how can our social media marketing agency help your business?

Understanding Your Website Goals

The first step involves a collaborative discussion to establish your website's objectives. Do you aim to enhance your website's structure and user experience? Perhaps you prioritize improving website speed and overall performance. Maybe you're interested in learning how to optimize your website for search engines (SEO). By clearly defining your goals, we can tailor the audit to address your specific needs.


Comprehensive Website Analysis

Once we have a shared understanding of your goals, our team of website experts, including WordPress developers, quality assurance (QA) testers, and a dedicated project manager, will begin the comprehensive audit process. This in-depth analysis will examine various aspects of your website, ranging from design and user experience to speed, security, and more.


Receiving a Customized Report

Upon completion of the audit, you will receive a detailed report outlining our findings. Additionally, we will provide a clear and informative video that explains the identified areas for improvement and the rationale behind them. This ensures you have a thorough understanding of the recommendations and their potential impact on your website's success.


Ongoing Website Support

Following the audit, we will discuss your options for ongoing website support. Our WordPress support services can assist you in implementing the recommended improvements and ensuring your website continues to function optimally. By leveraging our expertise, you can elevate your website's performance and achieve a competitive online presence.


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Frequently Asked Questions

While we offer a professional website audit service, some great free tools are available to get you started. Here are two popular options:

  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider (Free version): Crawls your website and checks for technical SEO issues (limited to 500 URLs).
  • Google Search Console: This free tool from Google provides insights into technical SEO and how Google sees your website.

Yes. Google Analytics is a fantastic tool for tracking website traffic, user behaviour, and other valuable metrics. It's a great way to understand how your website is performing.

There are a few ways:

  • Free online SEO checkers: These tools provide basic SEO insights, but may not be as comprehensive as a professional audit.
  • Anahad Media's Free Website Audit: We offer a free audit highlighting key SEO issues and providing actionable recommendations.

Several free tools can help you get a basic understanding of your competitors' websites. However, a professional analysis from Anahad Media can give you a deeper dive into their strategies.

Here are some essential website traffic metrics:

  • Visitors: Total number of people visiting your website.
  • Pageviews: Number of times individual pages are viewed.
  • Traffic Sources: Where your website traffic comes from (search engines, social media, etc.).
  • Bounce Rate: Percentage of visitors who leave after viewing one page.

Google Analytics is a perfect go-to free tool for website traffic analysis also many website builders offer basic analytics features which can be used to analyse the website's health.

Free web analytics tools give you valuable insights into your website's performance. This helps you understand what's working and where you can improve. However, a professional website audit from Anahad Media can provide a more detailed analysis and actionable recommendations.

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