3 Ways To Seamlessly Align Your Sales & Marketing Teams

3 Ways To Seamlessly Align Your Sales & Marketing Teams - manhattan

As a business, it is important to have a cohesive workflow between your sales and marketing teams in order to maximize efficiency and success. When sales and marketing are in sync, it leads to better customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as more efficient processes that can save your company time and money. However, aligning […]

The Impact of Third-Party Cookies in the Cookieless World

third party cookie - manhattan

Have you heard about the impact of third-party cookies in the cookieless world of marketing? It’s a hot topic these days. Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the safety and privacy of their information. In response, tech giants like Apple and Google are leading the charge towards a cookieless future. What does this mean for […]

Ideal Candidate Avatar: How to do Marketing for the Perfect Hire

ideal candidate avatar - manhattan

In today’s competitive job market, attracting top talent is essential for any organization to thrive. However, identifying the ideal candidate and crafting a compelling recruitment strategy can be a daunting task. That’s where the concept of the “ideal candidate avatar” comes in. An ideal candidate avatar is a detailed and specific description of the type […]

The Evolution of Marketing in the Digital Age & Future Trends

digital marketing 2025 - manhattan

10 years ago, the world of digital marketing was a lot simpler. There were only a handful of smartphones to choose from and the internet wasn’t as vast and interconnected as it is today. Also, people had limited information then. So, deciding on which product or service to buy was a lot easier because there […]

Digital World in 2023: 5 Strategies You Need to Succeed

Are you ready to take on the digital world in 2023?  With the rise of technology digital marketing has become the go-to strategy to connect with the target audience and drive sales.  In fact, in 2022, we saw a significant shift from traditional marketing to digital marketing. And this trend is only set to continue […]

AI vs. Traditional Marketing: Which is Better?

ai vs traditional marketing - manhattan

Feeling anxious about the impact of AI on your marketing efforts? Are you in a dilemma about whether to stick with traditional marketing techniques or embrace AI tech in 2023?  If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. After recent news of Microsoft’s $10 billion investment in OpenAI, AI’s impact on marketing has been much debated.  […]

Economic Downturn: Top 4 Tools for Businesses in 2024

It’s no secret that the pandemic has left a huge impact on businesses worldwide. According to a survey conducted by McKinsey & Company, 80% of B2B sales have moved to remote or digital interactions. With the majority of sales teams experiencing a decline in the number of new customers. The economic downturn has forced businesses […]

Customer-Oriented Business: From Product to People

From Product to People: The Journey to a Customer-Oriented Business

As businesses grow and evolve, it’s common for them to shift their focus from the product they sell to the people who buy it.  This shift is driven by a realization that the customer is at the centre of everything and their satisfaction should be the top priority. This is the journey from product to […]

The Marketing Agency for Accounting Firms

marketing agency - manhattan

ANAHAD MEDIA is a Marketing agency for accounting firms that offers various services to help your business grow. They can help you with everything from website design and development to SEO and PPC campaigns to content creation and social media management. How can marketing agencies help your accounting firms? ANAHAD MEDIA Marketing agencies are a […]

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