Email Marketing: What You’re Doing Wrong and How to Fix

Email Marketing: What You’re Doing Wrong and How to Fix

Email marketing ROI

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    91% of Americans use email daily, and it’s 3 times more likely to drive purchases than any social media. Businesses are getting an average $38 return for every $1 spent on email marketing, and some boast a jaw-dropping 70:1 ROI.

    But you never get results like this. Despite how much time you spend growing your email list and designing the perfect email, you never get any leads from your email marketing efforts. 

    And here is the reason why you never get any leads from email marketing.

    Why, When, And How Email Marketing Doesn’t Bring Any Results?

    • Target Audience Mismatch: Sending emails to the wrong people who don’t care about your offerings.
    • Poor Email Content: Boring, irrelevant content that doesn’t grab attention or offer value.
    • Lack of Personalization: Mass generic emails that feel robotic and impersonal.
    • Email Design Issues: Hard-to-read formats, too much text, or bad visuals that turn people off.
    • Frequency and Timing: Bombarding people with emails or sending them at the wrong time.
    • Unclear Call-to-Action (CTA): Not telling people what you want them to do next after reading your email.
    • Spam Filters: Landing in spam folders and never reaching your intended audience.
    • Lack of Testing and Optimization: Not trying different things to see what works best.
    • Not Tracking Metrics: Ignoring data that could show you what’s working and what’s not.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Breaking email marketing laws and getting penalized.

    Now you may think,

    Is Email Marketing Still Effective?

    The answer is a resounding yes. For service-based businesses, email marketing remains highly effective, supported by numerous statistics given below highlighting its positive impact on revenue growth:

    • Return on Investment (ROI): Email marketing is known for its exceptional ROI. For every $1 spent on email marketing, businesses can expect an average return of $40, significantly higher than the Return on Investment (ROI) of other marketing channels like SEO and keyword ads, which are $22.24 and $17 respectively​​.
    • Customer Engagement and Purchase Influence: Email marketing has been shown to effectively engage customers. According to HubSpot, 81% of B2B marketers use email newsletters as their primary form of content marketing, and 64% report their effectiveness in meeting business goals​​. Additionally, 60% of consumers have purchased after receiving a marketing email, highlighting its direct impact on sales​​.
    • B2B Marketing: A significant 59% of B2B marketers consider email marketing as their top revenue-generating channel​​. This emphasizes the critical role of email in B2B marketing strategies.
    • Customer Acquisition and Retention: Email marketing is a leading channel for customer acquisition and retention, especially for small and midsize businesses. Approximately 81% of SMBs rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel, and 80% for retention​​.
    • Email Usage and Reach: Over 4 billion people actively use email worldwide, making it an extensive platform for reaching diverse consumer groups​​.
    • Effectiveness Metrics: Metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and open rates are vital indicators of email marketing’s effectiveness. A high click-through rate signifies engaging content and effective calls to action, while high conversion rates indicate the marketing’s success in achieving its goals, such as sales or sign-ups​​.
    • Email Marketing Budgets: Reflecting its effectiveness, 37% of brands are increasing their email marketing budget, underscoring the confidence in its ROI and overall impact on business growth​​.

    Is Email Marketing Dead?

    Well, Email marketing is still effective and is far from dead, in fact, it’s alive and thriving. 

    Below infographic highlights the projected growth of the email marketing industry, showcasing how email marketing is still effective and will help grow your business even more from 2020 to 2027.

    • Market Value: In 2020, the global email marketing market was valued at 7.5 billion U.S. dollars. By 2027, it is expected to reach 17.9 billion U.S. dollars, representing a significant increase of over 130% within seven years.
    • Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR): The CAGR for the email marketing industry is expected to be 13.3% between 2020 and 2027, indicating a consistent and rapid pace of expansion.
    • Year-on-Year Growth: The infographic also details the year-on-year growth of the email marketing revenue. From 2020 to 2023, the revenue is projected to grow at an average rate of 12.1% per year.

    Underlying factors driving this growth:

    • Increasing internet penetration and email usage: The global number of email users is projected to rise from 4.2 billion in 2022 to over 4.7 billion by 2026. This wider reach provides a larger audience for email marketing efforts.
    • Evolving marketing strategies: Businesses are increasingly recognizing the effectiveness of email marketing for customer engagement, lead generation, and brand awareness. This is leading to the adoption of sophisticated email marketing strategies and tools.
    • Personalization and automation: Email marketing platforms are becoming more sophisticated, allowing for greater personalization and automation of emails. This personalization can improve engagement and conversion rates.
    • Mobile optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices, email marketing campaigns are being optimized for mobile viewing. This ensures that emails are accessible and engaging for a wider audience.
    Results from Email Marketing

    Understanding Email Marketing 

    Email marketing is a direct way for businesses to share updates, products, and sales with customers on their contact lists. Subscribers choose to receive these Emails, making it a high-converting channel. It’s a key part of most businesses’ inbound strategy due to its strong return on investment

    Today’s Email marketing is more personalized, moving away from mass mailings to focus on consent, segmentation, and engaging target audiences. The goal is to build long-term relationships by understanding customer interests.

    Automation and software handle the bulk of creating personalized campaigns, making Email marketing efficient and effective. Ultimately, a well-designed Email strategy boosts sales and fosters a community around the brand.

    Does email marketing increase sales?

    While email marketing is an excellent marketing tool, it can improve your sales as well.

    59% of marketers say email is their biggest source of ROI and marketers who used segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue.

    Email marketing campaigns can feature products or services, encourage customers to purchase after abandoning their cart, or deliver special offers to your customers.

    Furthermore, 59% of respondents in this survey say marketing emails influence their purchase decisions.

    Your email marketing campaigns can easily incorporate messages to encourage a purchase to an audience that’s more likely to buy from you because they’ve opted-in to your messages and updates.

    Why email marketing is important?

    Given below are some of the advantages of Email marketing:

    1. Personalization: Tailor your content to suit your audience. Create segmented lists based on location or engagement levels. Use alternative graphics or subject lines for better engagement.
    2. Increased Sales: Boost your sales with Email marketing. 59% of marketers consider email as their top source of ROI. Marketers with segmented lists experienced a 760% increase in income. Use Emails to educate, drive traffic, conduct surveys, provide updates, and make announcements.
    3. Cost-Effective: Automate and save costs with Email marketing. Build your list, set up your offer, and deliver Emails automatically. Engage with your audience and acquire new customers while focusing on other business areas.
    4. High ROI: Enjoy the highest ROI in marketing—around $36 for every $1 spent.
    5. Targeted: Reach out to an interested audience who willingly opted to receive Emails from your company. Keep them engaged and prevent unsubscribes.
    6. Measurable: Get insights into your campaign’s performance. Use metrics to adjust your strategy and improve your campaigns.
    7. Increased Brand Awareness: Stay top of mind with your subscribers, increasing brand awareness and familiarity with your products and services.
    8. Shareable: Subscribers can forward your Emails to friends and family, extending your reach.
    9. Scalable: Send Emails to a small or large audience based on your business needs.
    10. Permission-Based: Send Emails only to those who opted in, preventing spam labels and ensuring a receptive audience.

    You might have heard about jackalopes, phoenixes, and unicorns.  

    They’re mythical creatures right. Well, in the Email marketing, too, there are lots of myths, but not of these magical ones. People think these practices always work, no matter the business or product.

    Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, these common misconceptions might be sabotaging your success. 

    Let’s debunk seven Email marketing myths to supercharge your future campaigns:

    Myth #1: Unsubscribes Are Bad

    If your unsubscribe rate is going up, don’t panic. A few unsubscribes are normal and improve your Email list. It means you’re filtering out people who aren’t interested, boosting engagement, and reducing spam complaints. In other words, it’s about having the right audience for your content.

    Email Marketing MYTHs

    Myth #2: Millennials Are No Longer Interested in Emails

    Contrary to belief, millennials find Email personal and valuable. Reports show that around 64% feel it’s the most personal channel, with 73% preferring business communication through Email. While social media is crucial, Email remains a potent tool for reaching young professionals.

    Myth #3: Emails With Long Subject Lines Don’t Get Opened

    Short subject lines are recommended but don’t fear longer ones. Analysis of over half a million Emails found subject line length didn’t significantly impact open rates. Keep it concise, yet make sure it conveys your Email’s purpose. Optimal length varies, so A/B testing is key.

    Email Marketing MYTHs

    Myth #4: Using “Spam Words” Will Make Emails End Up in Spam

    Using words like “free” won’t automatically label your Email as spam. Spam filters are sophisticated, considering various factors. Studies show these “spam words” have little impact on deliverability. Focus on engaging your audience and track performance for the best results.

    Myth #5: Emails With Graphics Are More Engaging

    Graphics aren’t a must for engagement. Plain-text Emails often outperform those with heavy graphics. Prioritize compelling copy and clear calls to action over flashy visuals. It builds trust and reduces the risk of being marked as spam.

    Myth #6: Increasing Email Frequency Frightens Off Subscribers

    Sending more Emails doesn’t necessarily drive subscribers away. Studies show that increased Email frequency can boost engagement and revenue. There’s no universal frequency; focus on relevance and value. Survey your subscribers to understand their preferences.

    Myth #7: Morning Is the Best Time to Send Marketing Emails

    There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to when to send Emails. Optimal times vary based on industry, audience, and other factors. A/B testing is the way to go – experiment with different days and times. Track open and conversion rates to find the sweet spot for your audience.

    Email Marketing MYTHs

    Myth #8: Inactive Subscribers Should Be Removed from Your List After Six Months

    Don’t rush to remove inactive subscribers. Studies show that 20% of supposedly “inactive” subscribers open an Email after six months. Be patient; ask them to update preferences or provide incentives before considering removal.

    Myth #9: Email Marketing Is Expensive and Time-Consuming

    Email marketing doesn’t have to break the bank or consume all your time. Affordable and free tools offer easy creation, personalization, and optimization. Automation features streamline processes, making it accessible and efficient for businesses of all sizes.

    Some Email Marketing Stats and Best Practices

    Email marketing is a game-changer for businesses, fostering robust customer relationships and driving sales. Beyond being cost-effective, it’s a profit-generating powerhouse, delivering an impressive $36 return for every $1 spent. In 2022, a whopping 68% of businesses are harnessing the potential of Email to connect with their audience. If you’re not on this bandwagon, you’re essentially leaving money on the table.

    Let’s delve into some eye-opening stats: 

    Around 33% of marketers send weekly Emails, while 26% reach out multiple times a month. What’s interesting is that marketers are smartly adjusting their Email frequency based on subscriber engagement levels, with 63% reducing the frequency for less engaged subscribers. 

    The importance of Email marketing has undergone a shift, with 41.5% of brands considering it very critical in 2021, compared to a staggering 78% in 2020.

    Engagement is soaring, witnessing a remarkable 77% increase over the past 12 months. Fridays take the lead in Email open rates, hitting nearly 19%. However, the landscape is evolving, and changes like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection are prompting 43% of marketers to rethink how they measure Email performance

    Now, let’s talk subject lines. The most effective ones are those that pique curiosity, carry promotional offers, and are personalized to each recipient’s interests. That’s the pulse of successful Email marketing

    As we step into 2024, the question arises: How can we take this to the next level?

    While choosing an outsourced email marketer, you have to figure out if the email marketer has experience in your industry including factors like service-based business, retail business, e-commerce, B2B and B2C

    2. B2B vs. B2C Email Marketing

    B2B Email Marketing is all about forging strong connections with other businesses. We’re talking pros, decision-makers, and industry experts here. B2B sales cycles are longer and involve multiple decision-makers. 

    81% of B2B marketers rely on email newsletters as their primary content marketing tool. It highlights its effectiveness in reaching and engaging its audience. 64% of marketer reported that their email marketing strategies directly contributed to achieving their business goals in 2021.

    So, when crafting B2B Emails, keep it informative and tailored to tackle the unique challenges and pain points of your target businesses.

    B2B email marketing and B2C email marketing

    On the flip side, B2C Email Marketing is all about reaching individual consumers. Think of a mix of demographics, interests, and preferences. B2C Emails thrive on emotion, storytelling, and visual appeal to quickly grab the attention of individual consumers. The B2C marketing sales cycle is short and sweet, focusing on immediate conversions and driving impulse purchases.

    Let’s see some B2C stats to get this in detail: 

    B2C email marketing isn’t just sending out blasts anymore. It’s about building relationships and influencing purchases, and the numbers prove it. 87% of B2C marketers are using automation to personalize their emails, making them feel like a friendly chat just for you. 50% of people buy things straight from those emails, proving that targeted messaging is a powerful spell indeed.

    And when it comes to first impressions, welcome emails are the rockstars. They get opened 8 times more often than other emails and clicked on 10 times more.

    But the real magic lies in single-message autoresponders. These are like personalized mini-movies with one clear message, and they’ll leave you speechless. With a whopping 98% open rate and 37% click-through rate, they’re the email engagement champions.

    But the most powerful stats are here. 59% of people say marketing emails have influenced their buying decisions! That’s the magic of B2C email marketing – it whispers in your ear and nudges you towards that purchase.

    And finally, let’s not forget about inclusivity. 64% of B2C marketers prioritize accessibility, making sure everyone can enjoy the email party. So, the next time you see an email in your inbox, remember, it’s not just text on a screen – it’s a chance to connect, engage, and maybe even find your next favorite thing.

    B2B v/s B2C Email Marketing: Key Differences

    Here are the key differences given in tabular format

    Target AudienceReach educated professionals, decision-makers, and stakeholders representing organizationsConnect with individual consumers or households using personal Email addresses
    Sales CycleShorter sales cycles focused on immediate actions like impulse buyingShorter sales cycles, focused on immediate actions like impulse buying
    ContentDetailed, technical, and business-focused content with industry-specific terminologySimple, consumer-oriented content, highlighting product benefits and unique features while connecting emotionally
    DesignConservative and professional design, emphasizing clarity and contentVisual appeal, aesthetics, and creativity with big images, colorful CTAs, and clear pricing

    3. Mobile Email Marketing: 

    Mobile Email marketing means optimizing your Email templates for mobile devices. It involves adjusting text and design to fit smartphones, making it easy for mobile users. This is also known as responsive Email, using special coding for perfect display across various devices. 

    Most marketers use a one-size-fits-all approach in Email marketing. They send out batches of content without considering how users engage.

    41% of Emails are opened on mobile. If these Emails aren’t mobile-friendly, they might appear confusing, leading to low open, conversion, and click-through rates.

    Now, why go mobile-friendly?

    1. Boost deliverability.
    2. Reach more, sell more.
    3. Increase ROI with mobile-friendly Emails.
    4. Access a broader audience.
    5. Stay ahead of the competition.

    A poorly optimized Email campaign hurts your bottom line. It results in low engagement and revenue loss. Readers unsubscribe or hit the block button.

    Optimize Emails for Mobile Success: Best Practices

    Crafting mobile-friendly Emails is crucial for an effective Email marketing strategy. Here’s how you can nail it:

    1. Nail the Preheader Text

    Spend time on the preheader text – those first lines your mobile readers see. It’s prime real estate, loading before the body of the email. Use it wisely to highlight key info and grab attention.

    2. Keep It Short and Sweet

    Time is short on mobile. Grab attention from the subject lines to the body copy. Place your Call-to-Action (CTA) where readers can easily spot it. Break up content for easy scanning, and consider less content for faster load times.

    3. Embrace Content Minimalism

    Less is more when it comes to mobile-optimized Emails. Break down text into smaller paragraphs (aim for under 20 words each), add spacing for readability, and use bold text for emphasis.

    4. Design for Both Views

    Mobile screens switch between portrait and landscape views. Stick to a single-column layout and add white space for a clean look in any orientation.

    5. Make it Touch-Friendly

    Ensure your social media icons, CTAs, and links are easy to tap with a thumb. Aim for touch-friendly buttons at least 44×44 pixels.

    6. Increase Font Size

    Larger text enhances readability on mobile devices. Keep it legible without requiring zooming in or out.

    7. Optimize Image Sizes

    Scale back image file sizes to avoid slow load times and data consumption. Small or omitted images are ideal for mobile-friendly Emails.

    8. Test Rigorously

    Before hitting send, test your Emails on your mobile device. Check for spacing, highlights, and overall user experience. Utilize segmentation and marketing automation for A/B testing to refine your approach.

    4. E-commerce Email Marketing:

    It is a strategy where online businesses send Emails to engage existing or potential customers. Share new products, deals, discounts, order updates, and abandoned cart reminders. 

    Keep subscribers in the loop with one-time campaigns or automated messages tailored to consumer data. Drive business goals like awareness, cart recovery, engagement, and sales through targeted Emails.

    Benefits of eCommerce Email Marketing

    1. High ROI: It’s cost-effective compared to flashy ads. You reach a big audience without burning a hole in your budget.

    2. Increased Customer Retention: Keeping customers is easier than finding new ones. Build your mailing list, send personalized Emails, and watch them come back for more. It’s the secret sauce for long-term relationships and increased spending.

    3. Direct Customer Communication: Your messages go straight to your audience. No algorithms playing tricks. No waiting for Facebook to decide who sees your post. It’s direct and immediate.

    4. Immediate Results: Flash sales or limited-time offers can boost traffic and sales in a snap. Email’s instant nature makes impulse purchases happen.

    Given below are the 10 types of eCommerce Email marketing examples: 

    1. Welcome Emails

    Welcome Emails are your virtual handshake with new subscribers. They serve two purposes: confirm their legit Email address and make a stellar first impression. Keep it inviting, let your brand voice shine, and always express gratitude. Well-crafted welcomes increase engagement and secure a lasting spot in their hearts.

    2. Promotional Emails

    Focus on specific offers, discounts, or events to create urgency. They’re like the main dish when hungry for sales. Balance them with other Emails for a well-rounded strategy that doesn’t overwhelm customers. Use eye-catching visuals to make your promotions stand out.

    3. Abandoned Cart Emails

    Smooth talkers aiming to win back customers who almost made a purchase. Keep them simple, use the customer’s name, show images of abandoned products, and make the call-to-action bold. Offer a limited-time discount to entice them back to checkout. It’s a one-way ticket back to completing their purchase.

    4. Purchase Follow-Up Emails

    More than a simple “Thank you!” Email. It’s a chance to engage customers post-purchase, asking for feedback like texting a friend after a night out. Highlight purchased items, personalize the Email, and make it feel like an ongoing conversation. This phase is often neglected but holds great potential for customer connection.

    5. Product Recommendation Emails

    Like having a personal shopper in your inbox, these Emails provide tailored suggestions based on customer behavior. Enhance the user experience with machine learning or rule-based algorithms. Include user-generated content and reviews to make online shopping feel like a customized spree.

    6. Win-Back Emails

    Target lapsed customers using scarcity and FOMO to reignite interest. Craft attention-grabbing subject lines, use the customer’s name, and keep the Email body concise. Offer special discounts or incentives to bring them back into the buying cycle.

    7. New Product Launch Emails

    Speak directly to your audience’s soul to ignite enthusiasm. Tease new products before launch, offering discounts or pre-order incentives. Build anticipation and make customers feel like insiders with the inside scoop. It’s about making their desires compete with their budget.

    8. Birthday Emails

    Personalized messages sent around birthdays foster emotional connections. Celebrate with special discounts or freebies to increase conversion chances. Automated yet thoughtful, these Emails make customers feel appreciated and valued.

    9. Back-in-Stock Emails

    Revive a customer’s shopping journey when an out-of-stock item becomes available. Create urgency by indicating limited stock or high demand. Trigger the FOMO effect to prompt customers to resume their buying journey.

    10. Newsletter and Non-Promotional Emails

    Maintain a connection with readers between purchases. Share detailed how-tos, real-life inspiration, or behind-the-scenes content. Avoid constant sales pitches; instead, entertain and warm up your audience for future promotions. It’s about keeping the spark alive.

    How to start and create an Email Marketing Campaign?

    Email marketing is like a trusty friend who helps you share what you offer (products, services, etc.) and convince people to buy them. 

    Let’s learn how to create an Email strategy that works!

    1. Design Eye-Catching Emails:

    Key elements to include:

    • Subject line: Grab their attention with a clear and compelling message.
    • Body text: Keep it informative and engaging, using bullet points for easy reading.
    • Graphics: Images and videos break up text and visually highlight key points.
    • Call to action (CTA): Tell them what to do next, whether it’s visiting your website or buying a product.
    • Footer: Include your contact information and unsubscribe options.

    2. Make Your Emails Shine with a Catchy Signature

    Ever noticed how a polished Email signature can leave a lasting impression? It’s not just about fancy fonts or logos – a well-crafted signature can build trust, connect with your audience, and even hint at your brand’s personality.

    Here’s how to craft your signature like a pro:

    • Keep it simple: Avoid information overload. Stick to the essentials like your brand name, Email address, and website.
    • Brand it up: Use the same colors and logos you use across your marketing materials to create a consistent brand image.
    • Connect with a click: Include links to your social media platforms and website to encourage engagement beyond Email.

    3. Reach the Right People with the Right Message

    Imagine talking to a crowd, but only some people are interested in what you’re saying. Email marketing can feel the same way if you blast everyone with the same message. 

    To avoid this, divide your list into smaller groups based on things like:

    • What they bought: Send special offers to existing customers to remind them how awesome you are.
    • What they like: If someone loves shoes, don’t send them Emails about hats!
    • Where they are in their journey: People just browsing are different from those ready to buy.

    4. Personalize Your Content

    Personalization builds trust and makes your Emails more likely to get opened and clicked, leading to more sales and happy customers.

    Here’s how to make your Emails feel more like a conversation:

    • Use their name: “Hey …… !” sounds better than “Dear Valued Customer.”
    • Mention things they care about: Show you know them by referencing past purchases or interests.
    • Offer what they actually want: Don’t send deals on dog food to someone with a cat.

    5. Short and sweet for high open rates

    Nearly half of people open Emails based on the subject line. Even a personalized touch can boost opens by 22%. So, these lines matter.

    Keep them short (6-10 words) and focused on the Email’s content. A sense of urgency can also grab attention. Remember, a good subject line can make or break your campaign, even though it’s just a single line.

    6. Automate for efficiency and results

    Running effective Email campaigns takes time and effort, especially for small businesses. This is where Email automation software comes in.

    Set up pre-written Emails to trigger at specific times or based on subscriber actions. For example, welcome new subscribers automatically.

    Other automation ideas:

    • Abandoned cart Emails: Remind customers about their forgotten items and bring them back to complete their purchase.
    • Newsletters: Stay connected with your audience by sending regular updates, offers, and promotions automatically.

    Automating your Email marketing saves you time, boosts efficiency, and improves your return on investment and conversions.

    7. Leverage Social Media for Email Marketing:

    Nearly 85% of web users rely on Email, compared to 62% on social media (including all platforms). So, use social media strategically to build your email list!

    • Engage your audience: Here are some ways to leverage social media for Email marketing:
      • Create landing pages on platforms like Facebook.
      • Share valuable content on your social channels.
      • Offer incentives (freebies) for joining your email list.
      • Host webinars to promote your Email marketing strategies.
      • Run contests, sweepstakes, or giveaways for Email signups.
      • Consider social media ad testing for even better results.

    8. Optimize for Mobile:

    • Don’t miss out on mobile users: 42.3% delete Emails not optimized for mobile, losing you conversions and sales.
    • Make your Emails mobile-friendly:
      • Keep it short and clear: write concise content, subject lines, and pre-headers. Use larger fonts for easy reading on small screens.
      • Choose a responsive design: Use email builders with mobile-friendly features.
      • Test your call-to-action (CTA): Avoid unnecessary graphics that distract from your CTA or make it hard to click on mobile. Test different CTA colors, text, and content to see what drives the most conversions.

    9. Track the Right Metrics for Email Success

    Check these factors:

    • Bounce Rate: Monitor it for insights on list or content issues.
    • Email Open Rate: Track opened Emails to gauge reach and compare segment performance.
    • Unsubscribe Rate: Assess subscriber response and identify content areas for improvement.
    • Email Signup: Evaluate effectiveness in driving visitors to your landing pages.
    • List Growth Rate: Low rates? Refine lead generation and communication strategies for better conversions.

    Define your metrics based on campaign objectives. Identify what works and refine strategies for better results.

    10. Optimize Your CTAs for Clicks

    Marketing Experiments found that high-value, low-cost CTAs get more clicks. Button-based CTAs increased click-through rates by 28% compared to link-based CTAs.

    Here’s how to create optimized CTAs:

    • Be clear about what you want.
    • Highlight what recipients gain.
    • Eliminate language that hinders action.
    • Ensure buttons stand out in the Email.
    • Make your CTAs visually appealing.
    • Experiment with CTA placement for maximum impact.

    11. A/B Testing for Email Success

    Before hitting send, test your Email with A/B testing tools. This lets you experiment with subject lines, calls to action, and content to see what resonates best with your audience. Data collected from these tests helps you craft future campaigns that land.

    12. Visuals Boost Engagement

    HubSpot reports that 65% of users prefer image-heavy Emails over text-heavy ones. But don’t overdo it! Constant Contact found Emails with 3 or fewer images and 20 lines of text get the highest click-through rates. Use visuals strategically:

    • Follow the sightlines: Guide your readers’ attention with images like portraits where the person’s eyes lead the way.
    • Keep it light: Use small images for faster loading.
    • Stay relevant: Images should support your message, not distract from it.
    • Show your personality: Use visuals that reflect your brand’s unique voice.
    • Get inspired: Check out Pinterest for visual storytelling inspiration!

    13. Timing is Key

    Don’t send Emails into the void! Choose the right time to maximize your open and click-through rates. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays tend to be the sweet spot, with over 51% of companies using automation tools to optimize delivery and avoid sending at the wrong time. Remember, loyal customers are eager to engage, so split test to find the perfect timing for your audience.

    How does Email Marketing work with other forms of marketing?

    Email marketing isn’t a solo act; it thrives in collaboration with other marketing strategies. Here’s how it fuels your overall marketing engine:

    Social Media 

    • Cross-promotion: Feature buttons in Emails urging subscribers to follow your social media profiles, and vice versa.
    • List building: Run social media giveaways where entry requires an Email address, or simply encourage followers to subscribe through dedicated posts.
    • Lead generation: Utilize Facebook campaigns to collect Emails for your Email marketing arsenal.

    SEO and Email Marketing Hand in Hand:

    • Integrate Email campaigns with SEO by including relevant keywords and linking to your website’s optimized pages.

    Rekindling Abandoned Carts:

    • Remarketing Emails remind website visitors who left items in their carts to complete their purchase. Personalize these Emails with brand-specific language and product suggestions.

    By harnessing these strategic partnerships, Email marketing becomes a powerful force multiplier for your overall marketing efforts. Remember, it’s not about going it alone, but about creating a cohesive and impactful marketing symphony.

    Different Types of Examples and Forms of Email Marketing Lists

    Email marketing offers a diverse toolkit for businesses to engage customers and promote their offerings. Different types of Emails serve specific purposes:

    • New content alerts: Announce fresh blog posts, articles, or videos to keep subscribers informed.
    • Product updates: Share news about new features, improvements, or releases for your product or service.
    • Digital magazines/newsletters: Deliver curated content, industry insights, and updates to subscribers, keeping them informed and engaged.
    • Event invitations: Extend invitations to webinars, conferences, workshops, or other events relevant to your audience.
    • Dedicated Sends: Target specific groups with special offers or promotions tailored to their interests.
    • Welcome Emails: Onboard new subscribers or customers, introducing them to your brand and its offerings.
    • Promotional Emails: Showcase products, services, or special deals to drive sales and conversions.
    • Regular newsletters: Keep subscribers up-to-date with industry news, valuable content, and company updates.
    • Lead nurturing Emails: Guide potential customers through the sales funnel with targeted content and offers, increasing their interest and conversion likelihood.
    • Survey Emails: Gather valuable feedback and insights from customers to improve your product or service offerings.
    • Milestone celebrations: Acknowledge and celebrate important milestones with customers, like anniversaries or achievements, fostering loyalty and engagement.
    • Abandoned cart reminders: Gently nudge customers who left items in their cart to complete their purchases.
    • Re-engagement Emails: Reconnect with inactive subscribers, reminding them of the value your brand offers and encouraging them to return.
    • Thank you Emails: Express appreciation to customers for their purchases, loyalty, or engagement, building stronger relationships.
    • Product feedback requests: Encourage customers to share their thoughts and reviews on their recent experiences, helping you refine your offerings.

    How to Market your services through Email Marketing?

    1. Partner Up: Choose an Email marketing service provider to leverage automation, templates, and valuable insights.

    2. Know Your Audience: Tailor your message by understanding your target audience’s needs and interests.

    3. Build Your List: Grow your Email list by gathering contacts from various sources like website sign-ups, social media, and events.

    4. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with Email marketing, whether it’s brand awareness, lead generation, sales, or customer retention.

    5. Craft Compelling Content: Create engaging and valuable content that resonates with your audience. Maintain a consistent brand identity and use eye-catching visuals.

    6. Automate for Efficiency: Utilize automation tools to streamline your efforts. Set up automatic welcome Emails, abandoned cart reminders, and personalized recommendations.

    7. Track and Analyze: Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to measure your campaign’s success and identify areas for improvement.

    8. Play by the Rules: Stay informed about Email marketing regulations like CAN-SPAM to ensure your practices are lawful.

    9. Continuously Optimize: Analyze data and feedback to refine your Email marketing strategy. Test different subject lines, content formats, and calls to action to maximize your results.

    Why We Need An Email Marketer?

    Lisa McGovern, Senior Lifecycle Marketing Manager at Upwork, noticed a problem: no one supported retention and reactivation efforts. The team’s Email flows were successful initially, but then, the Emails dried up. There was a huge business opportunity in the later stages of the customer journey, but no one had the time to manage it.

    Recognizing the need for a solution, McGovern, experienced in hiring Email marketers, decided to bring in a new expert. At Upwork alone, she’s hired 7 Email marketers for her team and peer teams. 

    Having been hired as an Email marketer herself, she understands the process from both perspectives.

    For many marketing teams without dedicated Email staff, recruiting Email experts can be a mystery. 

    When is it time to hire? 

    How do you create a job description that makes sense and avoids overpaying? 

    In essence, how do you act normal? 

    To answer these questions, we spoke with two professionals who’ve been there—McGovern and Suze Dowling, Co-founder and Chief Business Officer at Pattern Brands, a family of 7 home goods brands. They shared their best practices for hiring an Email marketing expert.

    When and How to Choose a Perfect Email Marketer?

    Here are 3 easy questions to ask yourself:

    1. Are your basic Emails working? 

    Think of “transactional” and “promotional” Emails like bus wheels – they should keep things moving smoothly. If they’re not, you might need a new driver (Email marketer).

    2. Are you missing out on Email opportunities? 

    Sometimes a small team means skipping fancy Email features like analytics and integrations. Could these upgrades bring in more money? If so, it’s time to hire someone to handle them.

    3. Is your team burned out? 

    If everyone’s constantly stressed and tired, you might have too much work for too few people. Hiring more help can make everyone’s job easier.

    Bonus tip: Not sure if burnout is the issue? Track your team’s time with a tool like Toggl to see how long tasks take. If there’s simply not enough time in the day to get everything done, hiring is probably the answer.

    Freelance vs. Full-Time vs. Agency: Choosing the Right Email Marketer

    So, you’ve decided to hire an Email marketing expert. Now comes the crucial question: freelance, full-time employee, or agency?

    Each option offers unique advantages and drawbacks, and the best choice depends on your specific needs.

    a. Freelancers

    • Pros:
      • Ideal for tests and short-term projects: If you are trying out a new Email strategy or you want to tackle a temporary surge in workload then freelancers can be your flexible partner.
      • Efficient for common tasks: Freelancers excel at handling recurring tasks across various businesses, like Email creation and deployment. This saves time and resources compared to hiring full-time support for repetitive work.
      • Fresh perspectives: Freelancers juggle multiple clients, bringing a broader range of recent experiences to the table. This can be invaluable for brainstorming subject lines and copying alternatives during testing phases.
      • Quick onboarding: Thanks to platforms like Upwork, hiring talented freelance Email marketers can be done within days. This is a game-changer for urgent needs and rapidly growing teams.
    • Cons:
      • High churn rate: The nature of freelancing means projects can end abruptly. McGovern emphasizes that freelancers are not the best fit for ongoing, continuous support needs.

    b. Full-timers


    • Deep Company Knowledge: Full-timers become ingrained in your business. They understand your brand, value proposition, Email strategy, and long-term vision.
    • Faster Onboarding and Execution: Having an in-house Email marketer can significantly accelerate the onboarding of new brands. This responsiveness and familiarity with internal processes translate to quicker execution across the board.
    • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Full-timers naturally grasp your organizational structure, making collaboration across departments seamless. This integrated approach fosters a more cohesive marketing strategy.


    • Lengthy Hiring Process: Experts reveal that full-time hiring can take weeks or more. This can be frustrating when facing urgent needs.
    • Limited Flexibility: Adding or removing full-time roles involves significant commitment compared to freelance or contract work. This can hinder agility, especially for startups or businesses with rapidly evolving needs.
    • Cost Considerations: Full-time salaries, benefits, and overhead expenses add up. Consider if the long-term value justifies the cost compared to alternative hiring models.
    • Scalability: Hiring full-time for fluctuating workloads can be inefficient. Consider hybrid models that combine full-time expertise with freelance support for peak periods.

    c. Email Marketing Agencies

    Email marketing agencies can be a valuable resource for businesses of all sizes, offering expertise and manpower to manage and optimize Email campaigns.

    However, there are both pros and cons to consider before outsourcing your Email marketing needs.


    • Diverse experience: Agencies have worked with many different businesses, so they can give you fresh ideas and insights.
    • More manpower: Agencies have a larger team, which can help you with A/B testing and other optimization tasks.


    • Less industry knowledge: Agencies may not know the ins and outs of your specific industry, which could lead to compliance issues.
    • Slower turnaround: Agencies have to juggle multiple clients, so they may not be able to react to your needs as quickly as you’d like.

    How to Craft an Email Marketing Job Description

    Now comes the crucial step: crafting a job description that attracts the right talent. But where do you start? Let’s find out in 2 simple steps:

    Step 1: Prioritize Your Must-Have Skills

    Email marketing is a multifaceted beast, demanding both strategic thinking and technical execution. Lisa McGovern, a seasoned pro, identifies two core skill sets to consider:

    1. Strategic Skills: These are the brains behind the operation, conceptualizing and optimizing Emails for maximum impact. Think roadmap building, test planning, and data-driven iteration. If you lack in-house channel expertise, prioritize this skill set.

    2. Execution Skills: These are the hands that get things done. Think HTML and Figma for crafting stunning templates, SQL for advanced segmentation, and flawless QA and scheduling. If your existing tech stack needs a master, this is your focus.

    Step 2: Write a Description that Gets Inbound Interest

    Now for the fun part: crafting a description that entices qualified candidates. Here’s how to strike the right balance:

    1. Pick Your Title:

    • Lifecycle Marketing Manager: A magnet for strategy-focused candidates
    • Email Marketing Manager: Ideal for attracting technical and operational talent.

    2. Sketch Out the Job Description:

    • Company Blurb: Adapt existing materials or use your website’s “About” page.
    • Role Overview: Outline goals, KPIs, and recurring tasks.
    • Required Skills and Experience: Mention desirable skills for the job. Borrow inspiration from similar job postings at comparable companies. Ditch the Fortune 500 descriptions if you’re a scrappy startup..
    • Keywords: Use industry terms relevant to your ideal candidate.

    Remember, a compelling job description is your key to attracting the Email marketing talent your team needs. 

    How to Find and Evaluate Email Marketing Experts?

    As we have already discussed the specific areas of expertise crucial for your needs. Let’s discuss how to find and evaluate your perfect Email marketer:

    Once you have promising candidates, assess their skills through various methods:

    • Portfolio Review: Analyze their past Email marketing campaigns, focusing on results and creative strategies.
    • Technical Skills Assessment: Test their knowledge of Email marketing tools and platforms.
    • Case Studies: Ask them to present case studies of successful Email campaigns they’ve managed.
    • Reference Checks: Contact previous employers or clients for feedback on their performance and work ethic.

    Don’t solely rely on traditional qualifications. Look for candidates who possess:

    • Data-Driven Approach: They should prioritize data analysis and A/B testing to optimize Email campaigns.
    • Strong Communication Skills: Effective Email marketing requires clear and compelling writing.
    • Creativity and Innovation: They should be able to develop unique and engaging Email content that resonates with the target audience.
    • Collaboration and Teamwork: Email marketing often involves cross-functional collaboration. Look for team players who can work effectively with others.


    Ques: What can an Email marketing expert do for my business?

    Ans: An Email marketer can help you with all aspects of your Email marketing, from developing strategies and creating campaigns to managing your Email list and analyzing results.

    They can:

    • Help you define your goals and create campaigns that resonate with your audience, driving engagement and conversions.
    • Write Emails that are persuasive, informative, and relevant to your audience, boosting open and click-through rates.
    • Create professional Email templates that are mobile-friendly and visually appealing, improving brand recognition.
    • Set up automated Email sequences for nurturing leads, welcoming new subscribers, and triggering relevant messages based on customer behavior.
    • Analyze your Email performance and make data-driven recommendations to improve conversions.
    • Connect your Email marketing with your website, social media, and CRM, creating a cohesive marketing strategy.

    Q: What skills should an Email marketing expert have?

    A: A good Email marketing expert should possess a blend of technical and creative skills, including:

    • SEO, social media, content marketing, Email design, list building, segmentation, automation, and analytics.
    • They should be able to write engaging and effective Email copy that drives action.
    • They should be familiar with different ESPs and their capabilities.
    • They should be comfortable using Email marketing software and platforms.

    Ques: What kind of experience should an Email marketing expert have?

    Ans: They should have years of experience creating and implementing successful Email marketing campaigns across various industries. Certified or proven track record of performance metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

    Q: What are the benefits of hiring an Email marketing expert?

    A: Hiring a skilled Email marketing expert can significantly benefit your business:

    • Increased ROI: Their expertise can lead to higher returns on your Email marketing investment.
    • Improved Email content: They’ll create Emails that resonate with your audience and drive results.
    • Better deliverability: They’ll ensure your Emails reach your intended recipients and avoid spam filters.
    • Professional design: You’ll get high-quality Email templates that enhance your brand image.
    • Streamlined lead generation: They’ll help you attract new leads and nurture existing ones.
    • Audience segmentation: They’ll segment your list for targeted messaging and improved engagement.
    • Time savings: They’ll handle all aspects of your Email marketing, freeing up your time to focus on other areas.
    • Detailed analytics and reporting: They’ll provide you with valuable insights into your Email performance and identify areas for improvement.
    • Compliance with regulations: They’ll ensure your Email marketing practices adhere to all relevant laws and regulations.

    Editor’s Choice:

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